The 4th Theme: Crisis and Opportunity
Since the second half of 2008, the world is shrouded in immense risks caused by a series financial tsunami derived from the US Subprime mortgage crisis. In this age of globalization, the effects of this financial and economical crisis is still non-stopping but ever-expanding. The crisis’ depth and scope is also unpredictable.
In mainland China, factories ceased fire and came to close down, and the rural migrant workers couldn’t find jobs thereafter; In Hong Kong, downsizing is a common occurrence; while in Taiwan, the forecast of the economy growth is unprecedented adjusted to minus 5% or even worse.
The impact of the financial crisis is permeating every family. It is not only an impact on economy, but also on social structure and the value of life. The crisis is challenging our imagination of the wealthy years. It is shaking our ways of resources allocation. It is threatening our idea of life. It is attacking our pursuit of lifestyles. It comes right into our face, and asks us to change.
As a platform dedicated in documenting the changes of contemporary Chinese Society with non-fiction films, CNEX must face this worldwide crisis courageously. We’re therefore calling people in documentary and cultural arena to turn your cameras onto the Chinese Society amid this financial crisis, to observe, document and annotate.
In the Chinese characters, “Weiji, Crisis” itself is a compound word. It can represent risks but also opportunities. The Chinese believe that opportunity lies in crisis. How can this kind of dialectical thinking reflects on social and personal stories?
CNEX will call for phenomenon and stories from three areas below to organize perceptive documentaries in order to reveal the theme of “Crisis and Opportunity” under financial tsunami:
2010 CNEX年度主題徵案入圍入選名單: 長片組 十五名
短片組 八名
恭喜以上入圍導演。 |