CNEX cooperated with Centre of Cinema Studies, and the Core Curriculum and General Education Office (CCGEO), Lingnan University, and presented 3 Arts documentary film screening to the students.
The topic of the screening was “Arts and Life”. These 3 documentary discussed the creative lives of the four artists, what difficulties they faced in various fields, and what thoughts do they have? After the screening of each film, relevant scholars and guests were invited to share their views so that the audience could understand the relevant issues from different perspectives.
3 Documentary films
Four artists
5 Types of Art Forms
∞ a kind of attitude toward life
Date of the event:24th September, 8th October, 22nd October, 2015
2014| Director: Kwong Yin Bryan Hung
Solitary Joy
2012| Director: WANG Yen-ni
Mountain Spirit
2014| Director: Singing Chen, Kwo-Liang Chiang